New Web App Lets You Create Hyperlapse Videos Using Google Maps Data

UX design company Teehan + Lax has rolled out yet another jaw-dropping web app that lets you create spectacular hyperlapse videos out of Google Maps data.

Hyper-lapse photography is the technique used in creating such stunning videos, which requires a great deal of time and precision to stitch time-lapse photos and sweeping camera movements together -- something that's extremely hard to perfect.

But the guys at Teehan + Lax had managed to make the job simple. Using only Google Street View data as source material, aided with the right tool available, they were able to come up with a very usable, fantastic Google Street View Haperlapse creator.

Google Street View Haperlapse Lets You Create Amazing Journeys (link)

Google Street View Haperlapse is very straightforward to use. All you have to do is to search for location and move around any two transit points in Google Maps, and wait for a couple of seconds until your hyperlapse video gets played. There are also a number of featured trips that are really cool.

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As with the conventional Google Street View, you can also pan around the view during hyperlapse video playback. Controls, however, are minimal; there's no way to adjust animation frame rates, and the hyperlapses are a bit faster especially if you span much longer distances from point A to B.

But yes, this experimental app has a GitHub page and so you're free enhance and experiment with things such as custom frame rates.

Google Street View Haperlapse is built with Hyperlapse.js, Three.js (r57), a modified version of GSVPano.js, and Google Maps API v3. This app also requires WebGL and is best viewed in Google Chrome.

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