Split Screen: Splits Your Web Browser into Multiple Resizable Windows

Here’s the thing, you’re doing research on the net and you need to take notes. What you’re doing is you’re either switching screens continuously from the website to your notes or you just minimize Microsoft Office Word or Notepad to take notes, which can be very tedious and annoying.

Now, there’s a simpler way to facilitate research work and learning. Google Chrome introduces Split Screen, a Chrome extension for convenient note taking.

Split Your Chrome Browser into Multiple Resizable Windows With Split Screen (link)

Split Screen is a free add-on for Google Chrome. It simply splits the screens on your PC browser into multiple re-sizable windows. Its default feature is its two windows, the left window opening up as a notepad for taking notes.

Another feature of Split Screen is that it can be set so that two websites open side by side. This is useful if you need to do multiple sources research or site comparisons. The user can even split the screen horizontally, another great option feature. If the user decides to split two notepads with one website, it can be done.

How To: Password Protect, Lock Google Chrome Browser

Split Screen is easily customized. All you need to do is select from the “Options” or just type the appropriate command into the address bar of a window.

Installation of the Google Chrome extension is fast and easy. It just gives another good reason to stick with, and use, Google Chrome.

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