Twitter Poster: Turn Your Tweets Into A Poster, With Picture Of Yours

Want something cool to gift this Christmas? Gadgets can be a sure thing but let's face it: consumer devices can cost your leg!

If you want something unique yet geeky present for your tech-savvy friends, you may want to check out this new service of Firebox, the Twitter Poster.

What is Twitter Poster?

Twitter Poster is a unique personalised print of your Twitter profile picture, made entirely from your tweets! All your insights, musings, recommendations, or shout-outs on Twitter will make up the poster, making it the most insightful, immediate and revealing self- portrait you could ever own.

Remove Unwanted Tweets On Twitter - Filter Tweets By Keyword

To obtain your Twitter Poster all you have to do is to provide your Twitter username. That's it. No more privacy-invading tricks involved. As long as your Twitter account is available for the public to view, Firebox will collect as many of your recent tweets to fill the 61cm x 61cm poster.

Here's a sample Twitter Poster, made entirely from recent tweets:

Firebox's Twitter Poster is a brilliantly geeky gift for friends, working colleagues and Twitter-savvy family members. Just click here to give it a try and see a preview of your finished poster.

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